Moj račun

Goljufanje gledalcev in naročnikov za Twitch, YouTube и Facebook Gaming



Aktivni kanali


Twitch Cheat Dela

YouTube Cheat Dela

TikTok, Instagram, VK, Trovo Cheat Dela

Facebook Gaming Cheat Dela

WASD.TV Cheat Dela

Nemoten vstop gledalcev

Pozor! Novega imamo. API - Zdaj nas boste lahko samodejno preprodajali.

Če želite postati naš partner (logotip na toku in povezavo v opisu, in vam bomo dali gledalce), napotitev, preprodajalec-pišite na klepet na spletnem mestu

Storitve Twitch

Samodejni zagon in 0% kapljic
Če želite pridobiti več gledalcev, nas kontaktirajte v podporo

VK Play Live - Subscribers

Viewers for VK Play Live 1 Hour | Drop 30%

4.999р 4.999р

Start: 0-10 minutes
Speed: up to 500 per day
Refill: 30 days
Quality: Medium | With avatars
Drop: 0-10%

VK Play - Views

Viewers for VK Play Live 1 Hour | Drop 30%

0.100р 0.100р

Start: 0-10 minutes
Speed: 500 per day
Refill: 30 days
Quality: Medium
Drop: 0-10%

VK Play Live Stream Views - Userslist

VK PLAY LIVE Live Stream Views 10-3000 viewers

0.950р 0.950р

10-3000 viewers
Drop +-30%
Bypass checks
Technical support
Full refund in case of technical failure

VK PLAY LIVE Live Stream Views 10-3000 viewers

1.425р 1.425р

10-3000 viewers
Drop +-30%
Bypass checks
Technical support
Full refund in case of technical failure

VK PLAY LIVE Live Stream Views 10-3000 viewers

1.900р 1.900р

10-3000 viewers
Drop +-30%
Bypass checks
Technical support
Full refund in case of technical failure

VK PLAY LIVE Live Stream Views 10-3000 viewers

2.999р 2.999р

10-3000 viewers
Drop +-30%
Bypass checks
Technical support
Full refund in case of technical failure

VK PLAY LIVE Live Stream Views 10-3000 viewers

17.099р 17.099р

10-3000 viewers
Drop +-30%
Bypass checks
Technical support
Full refund in case of technical failure

VK PLAY LIVE Live Stream Views 10-3000 viewers

65.549р 65.549р

10-3000 viewers
Drop +-30%
Bypass checks
Technical support
Full refund in case of technical failure

VK Play Live Stream Views - Userlist - Packages

Viewers for VK Play Live 1 Hour | Drop 30%

0.350р 0.350р

Viewers for 1 Hour
Autostart within 1-5 minutes
Drop 30%
Automatic service
You can change the link or disable the order through technical support in the chat

Viewers for VK Play Live 1 Hour | Drop 30%

0.350р 0.350р

Viewers for 1 Hour
Autostart within 1-5 minutes
Drop 30%
Automatic service
You can change the link or disable the order through technical support in the chat

Viewers for VK Play Live 1 Hour | Drop 30%

0.350р 0.350р

Viewers for 1 Hour
Autostart within 1-5 minutes
Drop 30%
Automatic service
You can change the link or disable the order through technical support in the chat

Viewers for VK Play Live 1 Hour | Drop 30%

2.100р 2.100р

Viewers for 1 Day
Autostart within 1-5 minutes
Drop 30%
Automatic service
You can change the link or disable the order through technical support in the chat

Viewers for VK Play Live 1 Hour | Drop 30%

2.100р 2.100р

Viewers for 1 Day
Autostart within 1-5 minutes
Drop 30%
Automatic service
You can change the link or disable the order through technical support in the chat

Viewers for VK Play Live 1 Hour | Drop 30%

2.100р 2.100р

Viewers for 1 Day
Autostart within 1-5 minutes
Drop 30%
Automatic service
You can change the link or disable the order through technical support in the chat

Viewers for VK Play Live 1 Hour | Drop 30%

12.600р 12.600р

Viewers for 1 Week
Autostart within 1-5 minutes
Drop 30%
Automatic service
You can change the link or disable the order through technical support in the chat

Viewers for VK Play Live 1 Hour | Drop 30%

12.600р 12.600р

Viewers for 1 Week
Autostart within 1-5 minutes
Drop 30%
Automatic service
You can change the link or disable the order through technical support in the chat

Viewers for VK Play Live 1 Hour | Drop 30%

12.600р 12.600р

Viewers for 1 Week
Autostart within 1-5 minutes
Drop 30%
Automatic service
You can change the link or disable the order through technical support in the chat

Viewers for VK Play Live 1 Hour | Drop 30%

48.300р 48.300р

Viewers for 1 Month
Autostart within 1-5 minutes
Drop 30%
Automatic service
You can change the link or disable the order through technical support in the chat

Viewers for VK Play Live 1 Hour | Drop 30%

48.300р 48.300р

Viewers for 1 Month
Autostart within 1-5 minutes
Drop 30%
Automatic service
You can change the link or disable the order through technical support in the chat

Viewers for VK Play Live 1 Hour | Drop 30%

48.300р 48.300р

Viewers for 1 Month
Autostart within 1-5 minutes
Drop 30%
Automatic service
You can change the link or disable the order through technical support in the chat

VK Play Live Stream Views - NoUserslist

VK PLAY LIVE Live Stream Views 10-3000 viewers

0.250р 0.250р

10-3000 viewers
Drop +-30%
Bypass checks
Technical support
Full refund in case of technical failure

VK PLAY LIVE Live Stream Views 10-3000 viewers

0.500р 0.500р

10-3000 viewers
Drop +-30%
Bypass checks
Technical support
Full refund in case of technical failure

VK PLAY LIVE Live Stream Views 10-3000 viewers

0.750р 0.750р

10-3000 viewers
Drop +-30%
Bypass checks
Technical support
Full refund in case of technical failure

VK PLAY LIVE Live Stream Views 10-3000 viewers

1.000р 1.000р

10-3000 viewers
Drop +-30%
Bypass checks
Technical support
Full refund in case of technical failure

VK PLAY LIVE Live Stream Views 10-3000 viewers

1.500р 1.500р

10-3000 viewers
Drop +-30%
Bypass checks
Technical support
Full refund in case of technical failure

VK PLAY LIVE Live Stream Views 10-3000 viewers

9.000р 9.000р

10-3000 viewers
Drop +-30%
Bypass checks
Technical support
Full refund in case of technical failure

VK PLAY LIVE Live Stream Views 10-3000 viewers

34.500р 34.500р

10-3000 viewers
Drop +-30%
Bypass checks
Technical support
Full refund in case of technical failure

VK Play Live Stream Views - NoUserlist - Packages

Viewers for VK Play Live

0.250р 0.250р

Drop +-30%
Security bypass
Support 24/7
In case of failure refund

Viewers for VK Play Live

0.250р 0.250р

Drop +-30%
Security bypass
Support 24/7
In case of failure refund

Viewers for VK Play Live

0.250р 0.250р

Drop +-30%
Security bypass
Support 24/7
In case of failure refund

Viewers for VK Play Live

1.500р 1.500р

Drop +-30%
Security bypass
Support 24/7
In case of failure refund

Viewers for VK Play Live

1.500р 1.500р

Drop +-30%
Security bypass
Support 24/7
In case of failure refund

Viewers for VK Play Live

1.500р 1.500р

Drop +-30%
Security bypass
Support 24/7
In case of failure refund

Viewers for VK Play Live

9.000р 9.000р

Drop +-30%
Security bypass
Support 24/7
In case of failure refund

Viewers for VK Play Live

9.000р 9.000р

Drop +-30%
Security bypass
Support 24/7
In case of failure refund

Viewers for VK Play Live

9.000р 9.000р

Drop +-30%
Security bypass
Support 24/7
In case of failure refund

Viewers for VK Play Live

34.500р 34.500р

Drop +-30%
Security bypass
Support 24/7
In case of failure refund

Viewers for VK Play Live

34.500р 34.500р

Drop +-30%
Security bypass
Support 24/7
In case of failure refund

Viewers for VK Play Live

34.500р 34.500р

Drop +-30%
Security bypass
Support 24/7
In case of failure refund

Storitve YouTube

Samodejni zagon za tedenske in mesečne cene
Goljufamo lahko do 100000 gledalcev

Storitve WASD

Izvedemo lahko poljuben znesek, ki ga potrebujete, če potrebujete več kot 1000
gledalci, pišite v podporo, razpravljali bomo.

Storitve "MyStrm ru"

Goljufija naročniki in vse dejavnosti na računu lahko bistveno povečajte ugled in priljubljenost računa. To je odlična priložnost za pridobite dobre komentarje, veliko naročnikov in veliko gledalcev na potoki. Poleg tega zaposlovanje privablja potencialne stranke in oboževalci. Mitrm ru " je spletno mesto, ki ponuja kup različnih storitve, ki bodo pomagale promovirati račune na družbenih omrežjih. Verjetno, vsak bloger, vsak mladinec, vsak streamer si želi veliko pozornosti iz občinstva.  Posebno za to storitev "Mitrm ru" ponuja storitve všečkov, gledalcev in naročnikov. Na platformah, kot so video, trzanje, Vkontakte, Instagram, tiktok. Storitev deluje 24 ur na dan in 7 dni v tednu. Z njim lahko Pridobite ugled in bodite prvi pri iskanju.

Goljufanje gledalcev na platformi YouTube

Podjetje "Mitrm ru" ponuja izbiro goljufanja za dan, teden in Mesec dni na Facebooku. Z vsako izbiro bo zagotovljena tehnična podpora in vračilo v primeru tehnične okvare. Vredno je zapomniti, da z povečanje ogledov, vaš videoposnetek se promovira višje in višje, kar privablja še več gledalcev. Lahko služi tudi kot dober začetek za vaš kanal. Vaš video Lahko gre na vrh in dobi še več več všečkov. Pogledi in všečki se napihnejo. Z istim poveča vaše število naročnikov in pretok bo veliko več. "Mitrm ru" ponuja plačano goljufanje po zelo nizkih cenah! У To podjetje ima najnižje cene in najvišjo kakovost dohodka. Imajo tudi Imajo tehnično podporo, ki vam bo pomagala pri soočanju z Zanimiva vprašanja ali kakršne koli težave. 

Pregledovalnik goljufij na Twitch

Izbira gledalci, na spletu, sledilci, všečki na trzanju, pa tudi na spletnem mestu, so lahko tako za dan, kot za teden, kot tudi za en mesec. Pri izbiri želene priljubljenosti je vredno razmisliti "V koliko časa lahko napredujem in grem naprej sam?". To bo pomagalo Izberite točno tisto, kar vam bo dalo dejavnost, ki si jo sami želite. С S pomočjo zaposlovanja lahko privabite potencialne gledalce in da, lahko tudi zaslužite denar. To se naredi za dvig ocene na seznamu vseh drugi streamerji. Kraj, kjer bo vaš račun, bo odvisno od števila ogledov oddaj, posnetih in živi. Znano je, da platforma za pretakanje trzanja obravnava odlaganje čim bolj zvesti, zato se ne bojte prepovedi. 

Zakaj izbrati nas

Za Visokokakovostna promocija v socialnih omrežjih se obrnite na podjetje "Mitrm ru". Podjetje je že preizkusilo veliko strank. Vse so zadovoljni z rezultatom in uživajo veliko aktivnosti. Že veliko računov pridobil veliko število gledalcev  Vsi, kdo želi napredovati in postati znan številnim občinstvom, lahko Pridobite ga s pomočjo zaposlovalca. To je verjetno najhitrejši in najbolj kakovosten način pridobivanja velikega občinstva. Spletna stran je nakrutki "Mitrm ru" ima najnižje cene in najvišjo količino. To je Hitra Priljubljenost, hitra izvedba storitev, razvoj spletnih mest, novi gledalci, povečanje uvrstitve in številne druge pozitivno. Pri zaposlovanju pridejo živi ljudje, s pomočjo katerih Račun se promovira na več prvih mest. Tudi na tem spletnem mestu je že veliko zadovoljnih strank, ki rastejo vsak dan.

Prav tako vemo, kako goljufati gledalce za platforme: TROVO - VK PLAY LIVE - KICK - DLIVE - WASD